Browse the site .. How visitors view your website?
Web design is constantly evolving. This development is the result of a scientific and intelligent approach to follow-up and scrutiny of what users and visitors prefer and how they interact with them. In this article we review some important ideas about the design of the site according to the user experience, to know more about browsing the website, and its importance in the process of site design.
Browsing the site is based on previous expectations and experience
Where do people first look at the computer screen? Where do they look then? This behavior depends largely on the task they perform on the site and on their expectations of what the interface should look like.
If they read a language that moves from left to right, then their eyes will move from left to right, and vice versa if they read from right to left.
After the first glimpse of the screen, people move to their own normal cultural reading style – the way they read texts according to their culture and mother tongue – for example (left to right in English, right to left in Arabic). If they get their attention, for example: a big picture (especially one in which a person’s face, animated sign or video) appears elsewhere on the screen, their eyes may respond to it and pull them away from the normal inclination or direction.
People have a mental model of what they want to see and where they want to see it!
People have a mental model of where they want things on their computer screens, a mental model of certain apps or sites they usually use, they tend to look on the screen based on those mental models, for example if they shop a lot on Amazon and use the search field, They will probably look right on the search field once the site interface is loaded.
If there is an unexpected error or problem in the task or work that people are trying to do on the site, they stop looking at other things from the screen and focus on the area where the problem is located.
Lessons learned
Place the most important information (or things you want people to focus on) in the top third of the screen or in the middle.
Avoid putting anything important in the sides or margins, as people tend not to look there.
Design the screen or page so that people are motivated to switch to their normal reading mode, avoid the pattern that distracts the user as they skip many parts of the screen to fulfill the task for which the site came.
People spend more time browsing the Fold interface, so it’s important to make sure that the visitor or user gets the best experience when they arrive at your site.
Your content must provide answers to your clients’ questions and should be responsive to their needs.